3.2 Expense Report - Filter Setting

3.2 Expense Report - Filter Setting

Location: Expense -> Standard Report -> Any standard report > Filter tab

1. Smart Filter and Advanced Search
Use the Smart Filter or Advanced Search to narrow down your data based on your preference. 

2. Company
By default, the data shown in the report is based on the current company only. However, if you wish to generate an inter-company report, select the companies relevant in Advanced Search first, and ensure the same companies are selected in this Company filter as well. 

3. Date Range
Use the two Date Picker to choose a Date Range of your report.  Ensure the right checkbox is selected to indicate the reference of the date range which can be either the claim submission date (Submit Date), the date of the expense claim (Claim Date), or the date of the action status (Approve/Reject Date). By default, the date range refers to the submission date. 

4. Expense Item
To narrow down the data to a particular Expense item(s) only, hover your cursor to the Expense Item row, click on the Edit icon, and select the preferred Expense item(s). If no Expense item is selected, the report will include all Expense items.

5. Group By
To group the data by employees' Job Groups, hover the cursor to the Group By row, click on the Edit icon, and select the relevant Job Group(s). 

6. Order By
Hover the cursor to the Order By row and click on the Edit icon. Select the preferred type of data for the data order in the report. By default, the data is ordered by Date. 

7. Include Status
Hover the cursor to the Include Status row and click on the Edit icon. Mark the status checkbox to be included in the report. For example, if the status selected is Approved, only approved expense claims data will be shown in the report. 

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