2. Leave

2. Leave

There are 2 methodologies for leave balance migration:

Migration with Leave Transaction History, the system will deduct the leave balance with the leave history uploaded into the system. For example, the staff was entitled with 14 days of Annual Leave per annum, leave taken for this staff is 5 days. As the leave transaction history uploaded, the system deduct 5 days from the balance and the final balance is 9 days.

Migration with Leave Adjustment, the system will be adjust to the actual balance. For example, the staff was entitled with 14 days of Annual Leave per annum, leave taken for this staff is 5 days. It require to upload Leave Adjustment with -5 days in order to get the final balance is 9 days.

After the leave transaction history or leave adjustment migration, it needs to process entitlement to reflect the updated balance in the system. Click here to view the steps of process entitlement.

Data verification will be the final step of leave data migration. In order to check the final balance of all leave type whether is correct or not, here are the steps to guide you on generate report for checking.

Steps to generate report to verify leave balance:

  1. Go to Leave -> Leave Report -> Leave Summary.
  2. Select "Custom 1 - Without History" as report format.
  3. Select Leave Type into selected list. (If there is a need to generate the report for specific leave type only.)
  4. Select the date of end of this year, for example 31/Dec/2011.
  5. Click on Generate button.
  6. Refer to the final column within the report to get the balance of the leave.


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