

Location: Home -> Payroll -> Utilities 

There is a useful feature in Utilities that help you with your daily Operations which is 'Delete Salary Entry.. 

These are the article included in this Chapter

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    • Utilities

      Location: Leave -> Utility There are two key features under Utilities here: Entitlement Processing - allows you to process the Leave Entitlement immediately  Message log - record database of all the message sent by eLeave Module
    • 1. Utilities

      Location: Attendance -> Utilities This space is used to list all the utilities to assist user in Attendance module.
    • 1.1 Utilities - Batch Employee Custom Day Entry

      Step 1, 2 & 3: Attendance -> Utility -> Batch Employee Custom Day Entry This utility allow the admin user to key in Employee Custom Day Entry by batch. You will go to the screen below: Step 4: Select employees into the selected list to update the ...
    • 5. Leave Entry Migration

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