Individual Email Payslip

Individual Email Payslip

To send individual email payslip to employees, you may follow the guidelines below to send the email payslip.

1) You will need to release the payslip for that particular month before you are able to send individual email payslip. Click on the link here for the steps to release the payslip.

2) You may follow the steps provided below to send the individual email payslip to your employees:

  1. Go to "Employee List" under Payroll module.
  2. Select the desired  payment year and month.
  3. Click on the "Salary Entry" icon ($) for the employee to whom you will send the individual payslip. 
  4. Click on "Send Payslip" button to send the individual email payslip to your employee. 
The "Send Payslip" feature will only appear on salary entry screen after the payslip being released and the email payslip has been activated.

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