3.6.3 Creating Career Progression Email Job Group

3.6.3 Creating Career Progression Email Job Group

This feature allows you to create Career Progression specifically for certain Job Group. For example, if you want to be alert on certain career movement from certain Department (such as Finance, HR, etc) and Job Grade (such as manager and above, etc), just select 'Department' and 'Job Grade' from the drop down list. 

By creating Career Progression Email Job Group, you can tailor a Career Progression Email notification system which is based on Employee's Job Group (if you are unclear on what is Job Group, click here).

To create a Career Progression Email Job Group, go to HRIS -> Career Progression Email -> Career Progression Email Policy, then click the tab 'Career Progression Email Job Group'. 

From the drop down list, choose the Job Group that you want to set up. You can choose up to 3 Job Group. 

Click 'Save'. 

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