1.5. Creating and Setting Up Company Job Group

1.5. Creating and Setting Up Company Job Group

After creating Organization Job Group, you will need to create and set up Company Job Group as well.

Click here to understand more about what the difference between Organization Job Group and Company Job Group.

Step 1 ,2 & 3: First, go to  System -> Company -> Company Job Group, you will see the screen below.

Step 4: Enter name of the Job Group in the column, you can create up to 9 Job Group. After you have inserted all the desired Job Group, click 'Save' to save them. 


Step 5: After you created the Job Group, you still need to set up the details of these Job Group. Go to HRIS ->Job Group Setting -> Branch Setting.

Note: if you type a name inside any text box you can go to that job group and create a description for those that has keyed in

Step 8: Click the 'Create' button. 

Step 9: Enter the relevant details here, choose the Code and Description. Both 'Job Group Account No' and 'Salary GL Code' are settings used for external Accounting system only (not a product by iWoWSoft). Click 'Save' to a job group.

Repeat the process for all of the Job Group that you would like to create. Or you can also use the 'Import/Export' feature to create multiple Job Group in one go. 

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