1.2 Process Salary

1.2 Process Salary

Please follow the steps as follows to process salary for your employees.

Step 1 : Log in to iWoWSoft HRMS as an Administrator.

Step 2 Go to  Payroll ->  General -> Process Salary Wizard

Step 3 : Choose the Employee Status to process accordingly, for example "Active only" as shown in screenshot below:

Step 4Under Configuration, define the payment Year, Month and Period.

Step 5Click on the  'Next Step'  button to continue.

 The Process History column is to allow Administrator to view previous process history based on the payment period selection. You may ignore this part if you are processing payroll.

Step 6If there's no changes under Process Item, click on the   'Next Step'  button to continue.

Step 7If there's no changes under Statutory Deduction & Reconciliation, click on the  'Next Step' button to continue.

Step 8If there's no warning message under Payroll Process Validation, click on the  'Next Step' button to continue. If there is a warning message as shown in the screenshot below, please "tick" /check into the "Ignore Warning, Continue Process" and click on the  'Next Step' button to continue.

Step 9: Finally, if there is no issue under Salary Process Setting Summary, click on the  'Process'  button to continue.

Step 10: You will be shown the Salary Processing Dialog pop-up window. If there's no failed record, click on the  'Close' button to continue

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