Step 3.2 Creating Leave Group

Step 3.2 Creating Leave Group

Location: Leave -> General Setting -> Leave Group

For more info on step by step to create Leave group please click - Leave Group Setting

1. Creating a new Leave Group is simple and straight forward, however, one needs to understand the meaning of Leave Group.

2. Leave Group refers to a group of people that follow the same leave policy of the Company. Typically a Company will have different leave policy for their employee depending on their years of service, job grade, job type, etc. For example, entitlement of Annual Leave for a new joiners could be only 10 days per annum, but for a senior manager, it could be 25 days depending on Company policy. In this case, we can say that the new joiner and the senior manager are in different Leave Group.


3. To create a new Leave Group, go to Home -> Leave -> Setup -> Leave Group Setup and click 'Create'.

4. Enter the Description or name of the Leave Group that you want to create here.

5. Choose which Approving Workflow that you want this Leave Group to follow. If you want to create a new Leave Approval Workflow for the new Leave Group, click here to learn how to create a Leave Approving Workflow.

6. Carry Forward Policy is usually defined when you are setting up the Leave Type. However, this is usually for a particular Leave Type only. If you want a certain Leave Group to follow a specific Leave Approving Workflow, then tick this box.

7. Once the 'Carry Forward Policy' box is ticked, and additional drop down list will appear. Choose the Carry Forward Policy from the list.

8. Once the customize Carry Forward Policy is ticked, everyone tag to this Leave Group will follow this policy for ALL Leave Type.

9. Click 'Save' to complete creating the new Leave Group.

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