1. Leave Group Setting

1. Leave Group Setting

Step 1 , 2 & 3: Leave -> General Setting-> Leave Group

Leave Group allows you to define different Leave Entitlement and Approving Workflow for different group of workers in the company.

This is helpful because different level of workers will have different Leave Entitlement and the Approving Workflow might not be the same as well.

For example, a contract factory worker may not entitled for Annual Leave and his leave will only need his supervisor's approval. But for a permanent Senior Manager, he may be eligible for more Annual Leave and other Leaves (such as Paternity Leave, Child Care Leave, Study Leave, etc) and his Leave Application may need higher ranking and more senior staff to approve.


This is the main menu for Leave Group Setup: 

There is one component in every Leave Group, namely Leave Type.

Leave Type will determine what are the Leaves that the Leave Group (such as Senior Manager and Standard in the screen above) are entitled for. 

To Edit any of the existing Job Group, you can use the 'Edit' link to change the description, workflow and Carry Forward Policy here.

Step 5: Click save once the details has been entered

Other settings that you can change is Leave Type. Click in the leave type 

The above screen is the sample of Leave Type that were pre-defined by the system. You can also create any new Leave Type to suits your company policy.

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