Recommended System Specification

Recommended System Specification

iWoWSoft HRMS is designed with fully web-based environment and thin client architecture. Most system operations will be processed on the server. It is hence important to ensure the server hardware meet the recommended specification. Numerous factors may affect the hardware specification. To name a few, modules subscribe, business activities and number of headcount. In some occasions, change of technology may require the upgrade of the device as well. For example, change of HTML technology may require browser upgrade.

Client (computer) shall required no installation other than modern browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edige, Firefox). However, there are also some components that need client (PC) installation such as i-Clock and mobile application.

Important Notes: Backup infrastructure has not been taken into consideration. iWoWSoft assumes customer will prepare backup infrastructure on its own.

Below are the guidelines shall serve for reference purpose. Actual specification may various depends on user requirement.

1) Server Requirement

     1.1.  Single User Environment

    1.2.  Multi User Environment

2) Client PC Requirement

3) i-Clock and AutoPush Requirement

4) Web-Clock Requirement

5) Mobile Device Requirement

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