2. Client PC Requirement

2. Client PC Requirement

As most of the operation will be processed in the server. Accessing the application is mostly through modern web browser. PC specification is very minimum. However, the browsers version is very important. Browsers chosen must fully support HTML 5 and CSS 3. As the technology evolves, the internet browser may need to be upgraded to latest version. iWoWSoft shall keep customer informed on the version needed from time to time. Customers are responsible for infrastructure upgrade in order to access the system.

Below is the specification for normal PC device:

i) Hardware 

CPU: 4 Cores
Hard Disk: Please follow OS optimum requirement. Not very important for thin client technology.

ii) Software 

Operating System: Windows 8 Professional and above
Internet Browser:  
  • Google Chrome version 87.0.4280 and above
  • Firefox 78.6esr
  • Microsoft Edge version 25.10586.0.0

Minimum Requirements as of 17 December 2020;

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