Location: Payroll -> Daily Rate Setting -> Daily Rate Description Setting
The daily rate is the pay element paid by the day rate. For e.g: Annual Leave Encashment, Overtime per day instead of hours and etc. You are able to define the daily rate formula if the calendar days not able to cater to the special calculation day rate. In order to create a daily rate group with different entitlement, it needs to create a daily rate description first and follow by creating daily rate setting.
1.Create Daily Rate Description at Payroll -> Daily Rate Setting-> Daily Rate Description Setting. Click on the Create button. Fill up with code, description, and sequence no. Click on Save button.
2. Create Daily Rate Formula if there have special formula needed. Key in the formula name and define the formula accordingly. You may create the formula at Payroll -> Daily Rate Setting -> Daily Rate Formula Setting.
3.Create Daily Rate group at Payroll -> Daily Rate Setting -> Daily Rate Group.
4.Create daily rate setup for daily rate group. Click on Daily Rate Setup on the Daily Rate Group screen. It shall bring you to the screen below:
The concept of the setting almost similar to the Overtime setting. The calendar group is used to define the rate divide by calendar days. It is compulsory if the calculation rate divide by calendar days. Else it needs to define with a different formula. Tick to configure the daily rate item payable to any statutory.
For a more detailed step-by-step guide to creating Daily Rate go to this link Step 9 and 10. Setting Up Daily Rate