Step 6.2. Create Overtime Description in Bulk

Step 6.2. Create Overtime Description in Bulk

If you have multiple Overtime Descriptions that you need to create, there is a way to do it fast and easy. 

The secret is to use the Import/Export feature. 

Firstly, go to  Payroll ->Overtime setting -> Overtime Description Setting 

Click on 'Export' button.  

Once the file is download, open the file. You should see the table below: 

Key in all the Overtime Description that you want to create here and save the file. 

Step 5: After you saved the file, go back to the application page, click 'Import'. 

Step 6: Click on the 'Select File' button and browse to the location of the file that you have just saved (in this case, the default name for the file is Overtime Description). 

Step 7: Note that there are a few options for you to choose if there is a duplicate data in the file you imported and data in system. For example, there might be a 'Weekend Overtime' in your file, but the system also have the same record (because you created it in the system earlier). Click on the drop down to see list of actions that you want to system to perform if this happens. 

Show Error: if system detected same Description in the import file then the system will show an error message and will NOT process the Description 

Ignore Record: system will ignore Description in the import file and maintain the record in the system

Overwrite Record: system will use Description in the import file and overwrite the record in the system 

Choose whichever is appropriate for you and click 'Data Import'. Please note the size limit of 4MB. 


If successful, you will see this message at the center of the screen. If the unsuccessful, the system will download another file (with the same file name but with (1) at the end), open the file, and check the error log. 

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