How to activate employee access login?

How to activate employee access login?

Location: System > Security > ESS Account

Activation of new join employee login access is to allow employee access to the system to apply for leave, view payslip, approve/reject leave & etc.

  1. Employees' access status filtering either All, Active or Expired. If need to search for a new joined employee, elect All as filter status as new joined employee's ESS active is not activated yet.
    • Active filter shows employees whose ESS access has been activated.
    •  Expired filter shows employees whose ESS access are disabled; usually resigned staffs. 
  2. Key in search keyword.
  3. Define the search field.
  4. Click on Edit.
  5. Key in login name to change the default login name  (the default login name is the email address updated in the employee's personal detail screen). 
  6. [Optional] Email Change Reason is a compulsory field when you are changing the login name.
  7. Select Access Role.
  8. Tick on Allow ESS Access.
  9. Click on Save button.

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