6.4. Request Replacement Leave

6.4. Request Replacement Leave

Employee can request for additional replacement leave by following these 10 simple steps.

STEP 1 : Log in to iWoWSoft HRMS as an Employee.
STEP 2: Click Employee
STEP 3 : Click on Leave and kindly ensure that you are in the Employee tab.
STEP 4 : To add leave, select Replacement Leave Request.
STEP 5Under the Leave Addition History list, select  [Create New ...]
STEP 6 : Under the Leave Type, select Replacement Leave.
STEP 7 : Define the leave date/s to add. In this example, 9 November 2019.
STEP 8 : Remember to click Set Date once you have define the leave date and session.
STEP 9 : Finally, click on the  [Apply]  button to request additional leave for the selected date.
STEP 10 : The replacement leave request is now pending for approval.

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