4. Expense

4. Expense

How to migrate employees' expenses data?
  1. Download the Employee Expense Data Migration template file as per attached or download at Expense Home -> Main -> General -> Expense Data Migration.
  2. Click on Download Sample Leave Entry Excel Format button.
  3. Open with Excel (default) format for Microsoft Excel 2003 & above.
  4. Fill data for each column and further explanation for each column as below:
Column Name
Employee Number
Employee Identified Number
Employee Name
Employee Name
From Date
Effective From Date
Compulsory. Record effective date. Date format in dd/MMM/yyyy.
To Date
Effective To Date
Compulsory. Record effective date. Date format in dd/MMM/yyyy.
Expense Item
Expense Item
Total Amount
Total Amount
With Receipt?
Receipt needed
Compulsory. Only the expense item which need receipt set as "Y".
        5. Save the migration file as per default Microsoft Excel (*.xls/.xlsx) format.
        6. Click on Browse button to search for your saved Employee Expense Data Migration file.
        7. Click on Upload button to import the Employee Expense Data Migration file into system.

How to verify employees' expenses data?
1.  Go to Expense Home -> General -> Expense Claim Application.
2.  Check on employee "Claim Applications History" box on the right page if the previously entered description is in or not.

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