1.3. How to Create a Company

1.3. How to Create a Company

Step 1, 2 & 3 : System  -> Organization -> Organization

After setting up the Organization, you need to set up your Company(ies).

You can create multiple companies under one organization. Here are the steps for you to create a new Company.

Even if your company doesn't have any subsidiary at the moment, you still need to create an Organization and Company


Step 4: Click on 'Company' button to create a new company.

Step 5: Click 'Create' to create a new Company here, or you can also search any existing companies here.

You will see a step by step to create a new company.

Step 5: Enter the Company Code, Company Name and other details here.

Step 6: You can select "Create New Setting From" to create a new setting for the new company. Click the "Use Existing setting from" drop down list have a shared setting with another company in the organization. By default,  you should select "Default" if you do not have any pre-saved settings. You can share the setting by ticking the "Shared" checkbox to allow the setting to be shared to another company within your organization.

Step 7: Click "Next" to complete current configuration. It will bring you to the screen where you can upload the company logo

Step 8: Click on browse to locate the company logo file on your computer. The recommended size for your company logo is 100 pixel (width) x 50 pixel (height). After selecting your desired company logo, click "Upload" to upload the company logo.

Step 9: Click "Next" after successfully uploaded the company logo. It will bring you to the screen to insert company address details.

Step 10: Click "Next" after you have inserted the company address details. The screen will bring you to the screen to insert alternate address for the company.

Step 11: Click "Next" after you have inserted the company alternate address details. The screen will bring you to the screen to insert company contact details.

Step 12: Click 'Save' and you have just created a new Company. If the new company doesn't show up, try refreshing your browser or logout and login.

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