3.6.1 Creating Career Progression Email Message

3.6.1 Creating Career Progression Email Message

We will show you how to create Career Progression Email Message here.

This is where you can create the Template Email Message to be used for any Career Progression movement. 

1. Go to HRIS -> Career Progression Email -> Career Progression Email Message.


2. Here you can create your own Email Template for every Career Progression Movement.

            (For example, you may create confirmation email, notification of promotion, and even reminder email of retirement).

3. To start creating a template of Email Message, click the 'Create' button and you will see a word editor like below:


4. Enter Code for the Email Message, typically Code is the acronym of the full name of Email Message.

            (For example, an Email Message is created for 'Confirmation of Work', admin can key in 'CoW' as Code. However, you can enter any text as deemed fit to
            your company's policy).

5. Enter the full Description of the Email Message here. 


6. Enter the Subject Title of the Email Message here. 


7. This is the panel of Editor, the functionality of each button here is similar with Microsoft Word. It is simple and easy to use. 


8. Then enter the message body in the Content area. However, do note that there are a few Commands that you can use so that the System can automatically map

             these Commands with the actual data information. 

9. The list of Commands: 

    • [EMPNO]                                - Employee Number
    • [EMPNAME]                           - Employee Name 
    • [NEWIC]                                  - New I/C
    • [OLDIC]                                      - Old I/C
    • [EMPCOMPANYNAME]          - Employee Company Name
    • [JG1CODE]                                - Employee Job Group 1 Code
    • [JG1DESC]                                 - Employee Job Group 1 Description    
    • [JG15CODE]                           - Employee Job Group 15 Code

    • [JG15DESC]                            - Employee Job Group 15 Description

    • [CPDATE]                                - Career Progression Date
    • [NCPDATE]                             - Next Career Progression Date
    • [CPDESC]                               - Career Progression Description
    • [NCPDESC]                            - Next Career Progression Description
              * For [JG1CODE]  and [JG1DESC], number is definable up to 15.
                (For example : [JG15CODE] and [JG15DESC] is the Employee Job Group 15 Code and Description).

10. Here is an example of how to use these Commands. Assuming you want create a template to remind contract staff on their contract Expiry Date, this is what you 

              can do:

11. The system will replace the Commands with the actual Employee Name, Contract Expired Date, etc. 

12. Click 'Save' button and you have just created a Template Email Message of Reminder of Contract Expiring Date. 

13. Repeat the process above to create any other Template Email Message. 

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