3.3 Expense Report - Layout Setting

3.3 Expense Report - Layout Setting

Location: Expense > Standard Report >  Any Standard Report > Setting tab

The screenshot below shows the Expense standard report layout setting page. The description of settings indicated (1 - 6) is provided below. 

The report setting consists of the following :

1. Title:
To edit the default title of the standard report. Hover the cursor to the default title of the report to find the Edit (pencil) icon to amend the report title. 

2. Paper Size:

Hover the cursor to the Paper Size row and click on the Edit icon. Select the Paper Size from the drop-down list.

3. Decimal Point:
Hover the cursor to the Decimal Point row and click on the Edit icon. Enter the number of Decimal Points required to be displayed on the report.

4. Page Break:
Hover the cursor to the Page Break row and click on the Edit icon. Insert Page Break by using Job Group (Group 1, Group 2, etc.) as a separator.

5. Password:
To generate a password-protected report, hover the cursor to the Password row and click on the Edit icon. Key-in the preferred password. 

Note: Password-protected reports are only available in PDF format. To generate a PDF report, export the report in PDF format. 

6. Signature(s):

Hover the cursor to the Signature column and click on the Edit icon. Mark the type of signature checkbox preferred to be displayed in the report.

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