3.2 Leave Type Description

3.2 Leave Type Description

Step 1 , 2 & 3: Leave -> General Setting-> Leave Type Description

Step 4: To create new type of leave, first click on Create 

It will lead you to the page below:

Leave Code  & Leave Type Description 

Enter the code that represent the leave type here, for example, code for Annual Leave could be AL. 

Enter description of leave type here. For example it can be Annual Leave for Manager and above.

Menu Bar

 More settings in the menu bar. To access it click it and view the pages.

 System Type

This is the list of Leave Type that were pre-defined in the system.

Choosing the Leave Type here helps the system to understand the nature or characteristics of the Leave that you are creating here.

For example, you can create a new Leave Type named Employee Annual Leave but you choose the System Type here as Marriage Leave.

The system will check with the data stored in HRIS module to confirm that the Employee is single, else the system will reject the application automatically.

 Deduce Balance Method

Here you can choose how the leave will be deducted, it can be deducted Based on Current Balance or Based on the Year of Application Date.

 Entitlement Type

For Entitlement Type, there are 3 types:

  • Per Annum: the restriction is only valid for one calendar year
  • Per Incident: the restriction is valid every time the Incident happens
  • Life time: the restriction is valid for the whole working tenure

 Include Non Working Days for Leave Taken (Block Leave)

The above is the setting for the Leave Type you want to create here.

If you tick the box of 'Include Non Working Days For Leave Taken (Block Leave)', then even weekend and public holiday will be included as Leave day.

Example of Leave Type that includes non working days is Maternity Leave, the 60 days of Maternity Leave is basically 60 calendar days. 


'Prorate' means the Leave will be prorated instead of getting full entitlement immediately. For example, Annual Leave is typically prorated but for Medical Leave cannot be prorated.

 Earn on Last Day of Month

'Earn on Last Day of Month' means the Leave will only be 'deposited' to Employee on the last day of the month.

For example, assuming an Employee is entitled for 12 days of Annual Leave per year (1 leave day for every month).

Assuming leave is only earn on last day of month, if the Employee check his leave balance on 15th of Feb, it will only show 1 day. If the leave is not earn on last day, then it will show 1.5 days.

Check Annual/Carry Forward/Replacement Leave balance before allow to take this leave
If the system type selected is Unpaid Leave, an additional checkbox will appear which functions to check employees' annual/carry forward/replacement leave balance. If this checkbox is enabled (marked), the system will not allow employees to submit unpaid leave application if there is balance in either annual leave, carry forward leave, or replacement leave.

 Sequence Number

Enter the sequence number that you want this leave type to be displayed.

If '1' is entered, it will be display the first among all leave types

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