3.1 Expense Report - Format Selection

3.1 Expense Report - Format Selection

Location: Expense -> Standard Report -> Any standard report > Format tab

The Expense Standard Reports consist of various reports related to expense applications within the system. The standard reports available in the system are the commonly generated reports by admin users with pre-defined formats. Some standard reports come in multiple formats to cater to different user requirements. The formats available for a standard report can be found in the Format tab of the standard report as demonstrated in the GIF above. 

1. Thumbnail
By clicking on the report thumbnail, the thumbnail image will be enlarged to display a sample report of the format selected. 

2. Description
The description below the thumbnail briefly describes the content or purpose of the report. 

3. Most Recent Used
The Most Recent Used panel shows the formats recently used by the user. Click on the preferred format and generate the report.

4. Others
This displays all the formats available for a standard report. Click on the preferred and generate the report. 
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