2.2 Other Leave Setting

2.2 Other Leave Setting

Step 1 , 2 & 3: Leave -> Leave Policy Setting-> Other Leave Setting

Other Leave Setting

This is how the screen it looks like:

 Leave Rounding Setting

'Leave Counted As': you can choose to calculate Leave using dayhour or both

Leave counted to the level of hours gives you the flexibility of allowing Employee to take a few hour off work (may be 2 hours off to run some errands) and allows Replacement Leave to be distributed over a few working days (example, work additional 2 hours from Monday to Thurs to replace one day off on Friday(8 hours)). 
'Leave Entitlement Decimal Point Rounding': choose the rounding method for your Leave Entitlement calculation.

  • 'Highest of 0.5' means it will be rounded to 0.5 for anything less than 0.5. Example 1.01 to 1.49 will be rounded to 1.5, while 1.51 to 1.99 will be rounded to 2.0
  • 'Lowest of 0.5' means it be rounded to 0 for anything less than 0.5. Example 1.01 to 1.49 will be rounded to 1.0 while 1.51 to 1.99 will be rounded to 1.5

'Hour to Day Rounding': Same for the above, except that this is for rounding of hours to day. 

 Other Setting

'Treat Next Year After New Join As second Service Year': consider the next calendar year after the year of joining as second service year. This will impact the Leave Entitlement Calculation. 
'Deduct Leave Balance Method': There are two ways to deduct Leave:

  • Based on Current Balance: Leave will be deduct off the current number of leave that the Employee has upon the time of application
  • Year of Application Date: Leave will be deducted based on the year of the date Leave taken, ie if in Dec 2011, the Employee applies to be on leave on 3rd Jan 2012, the Leave will be deduct off based on 2012 Leave

Email Notification Setting

You can choose how the different parties were notified by email for Leave matter. 
Parties involved here are Applicant (person who applied for Leave), Approver (person who has the authority to approve or reject the Leave application) and Listing (those who were listed on the notification list). 
You can decide the events that will trigger the system to send these parties notifications. 
There are four events for you to choose:

  • when Applicant applies for Leave
  • when Approver approves the Leave
  • when Applicant withdraw the Leave application
  • when Approver rejects the Leave application

Administrator Setting

 Tick in the box to have auto checking emergency leave (short notice) for admin and tick if you want the Emergency Leave to be apply compulsory with remark.

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