1. Creating Shift Setting

1. Creating Shift Setting

In order to start using e-Attendance Module, you need to create all the Working Shift in the Application. This article will show you how. 

Step 1 , 2 & 3: Firstly, go to Attendance -> General Setup -> Shift Setting

 Step 4: Click 'Create' button at the right bottom of the screen.

 Step 5: Enter the Code for this Shift, such as Morning KL, and Description, such as Morning Shift for KL Factory. Typically Code is the short form of the Description, you can enter a longer and more meaningful description regarding this Working Shift.

 Step 6: 'In Zone' let you set the range for time clocking in for this Working Shift. 'Earliest' means the earliest time that can be considered as this Working Shift, 'Actual' means the Actual starting time for this Working Shift and 'Latest' is the latest time that can be considered as this Working Shift. 

 'Out Zone' let you set the range for time clocking out for this Working Shift. 'Actual' means the Actual starting time for this Working Shift and 'Latest' refers to the latest time that can be considered as this Working Shift. 'Use Early Range' allows you to set additional range that can be used to further different the Working Shift. Its application depends on situation and varies a lot. 

Step 7: Select the OT policy and cross day policy for this shift. 

Step 8: Key in the first half range, Second half range and Normal Work hour

Step 9: This column let you set the grace period in minutes for Employee Clock In and Clock Out

 Step 10: Define the Rounding formula to be used here. Choose from the drop down list which Overtime Rounding that you prefer to use for both Lateness and Early Out. For example, you can define that late for 10 minutes will automatically be rounded to Lateness for one hour. 

Step 11: Tick Exclude From Listing in the others column if the shift has it.

Step 12: Click 'Save' after you are done. 

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