Why my employee's Leave Application is approved automatically?

Why my employee's Leave Application is approved automatically?

  1. How leave application or cancellation can be approved in iWoWHRMS?
  1. Login via MSS
  2. Leave Notification via email
  3. iWoWHRMS Mobile Application

  1. How email approving workflow works in iWoWHRMS?
  1. Leave approval action can be taken based on the links sent along with the Leave Notification via email.
  2. Hence, anyone with the links can approve or reject the application directly without authentication.
  3. Alternatively, any trigger of the links from the program scanning like Antivirus or Firewall will also causes the application from being approved / rejected.
  4. Thus, iWoWSoft assumes that all emails are well guarded so that no one can access the links other than the email owner.

  1. Possibility or risk of auto approved:
  1. Antivirus or Firewall will scan every email to ensure that the source of link is free from malware or virus before user clicks on the link. This will results in the application from being approved automatically.
  2. Proxy scanning to every links. Scanning will only be triggered whenever user clicks on the link to ensure that the source is safe before being redirected back to the approval action screen.
  3. Based on our past experience, this usually happens to organization with high IT security compliance to scan every emails received.

  1. What happen when Antivirus, Firewall or other third parties program perform scanning on the email?

  1. Leave application or cancellation being approved.

  1. Leave application or cancellation pending process by the system.


  1. What user can do to troubleshoot?
  1. Testing with external email address. * Please contact iWoWSoft Support for the detailed guidelines.
  2. Configure Antivirus or Firewall * To be done by client’s IT Team or vendor.
  3. Disable leave notification email and use other approaches to approve or reject. * Please contact iWoWSoft Support for more information

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