Step 8. Granting System Access to Employee

Step 8. Granting System Access to Employee

After you added new Employee, you will need to grant access to the newly created Employee.

For all existing Employees, they should have been granted the access during data migration stage. 

To grant access right to a new Employee, go to Home -> System Setup -> ESS Security. You will see a table listing all the Employees with access to the system, however, do note that the list only shows those Employees that are 'Active' in the system (see the top right corner filter list). 

If the new Employee you have just created is in the list, then click on the 'Edit' button of the Employee. If the new Employee name does not appear in the list, try change the filter drop down at the top right corner to from 'Active' to 'All'. This is because in most cases, User have not change the newly created Employee's Career Progression status to 'Active'. 


After you click the 'Edit' button for an Employee, you will see the screen below: 

By default, the login name for the Employee will be set as their email address. However, you can still change the Login Name to your preferred name. 

Tick on the virtual email, if available. 

Enter the reason for change in Email (if any) in the column here. Then choose the Role for this Employee from the drop down list. 

Here, is the most important set up, tick the 'Allow ESS Access?' box.

If the email is Virtual, namely the email is either only for internal use (not able to receive email from outsider) or the Employee does not have an email address at all, then tick the 'Is Email Virtual?' box. 

You can also pre-set an expiry date for the Access Right. This is typically used for contract staff. However, if an Employee is terminated, retired, resign, his or her ESS will be deleted as soon as it this is updated in the Employee's Career Progression status. 

The default password is provided here. You can choose to 'Reset' the password here if Employee forgot their password. You can also use the 'Generate Random Password' button to generate a new password for the Employee. 

Tick the 'Send Email to Staff' box to send the password to the Employee via email. 

Click 'Save' button to complete the process. 

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