Step 4. Creating Holiday Calendar

Step 4. Creating Holiday Calendar

This section is for you to configure public holidays declare by your companies/management, typically it consist of state holiday. You are able to create Holiday Calendar for various locations such as Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Sabah & etc.

Step 1 ,2 & 3: Go to Home  Leave -> General Setting -> Holiday Calendar,

Step 4: Click 'Create'. You will see the screen below:

The 'Description' column is to enter the name of the Calendar

We have pre-defined all the holidays in Malaysia, including Public Holiday and Non-Gazetted Holidays. You are able to subscribe to the pre-defined holiday from the system. Click on the 'Subscribe' button as picture above and you will see the window below:

Tick the holiday that your company will follow and it will be defined as a non-working day for your company. By subscribing the holiday, the system will automatically define each year holiday calendar accordingly where user does not need to define each year's holiday.

Click 'Subscribe'. 

You have just defined the Holiday Calendar for your company. 


If the holidays that your company/management declare as special occasion holiday for all the staffs in the company, you are able to define the particular day as your own public holiday by following the steps below. 

Left-click on any of the day and a pop-up window below will appear. If it does not appear, please check your browser setting and disable the pop out blocker feature.

Key in code & description for the holiday. Select 'Public Holiday' as Day Type. You may also key in any additional information in the 'Remark' column.

There are three types of Date for a Calendar Description, ie Single Date, Date Range and Recurrence Pattern.

Single Date: the respective Calendar Description is only valid for one day and none repetitive

Date Range: this is typically for festive event that is longer than one day, such as Hari Raya and Chinese New Year. The column below will appear for you to define the holiday start date and end date

Recurrence Pattern: This is for you to define Calendar Description that is repetitive, either Weekly, Monthly or Yearly.

Decide on the type of Holiday and click 'Save' to proceed.

The Holiday Calendar normally will configure according to various location/state which easier for user to define working calendar for different branch or location.

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