Step 6.4 Creating New Overtime Rate

Step 6.4 Creating New Overtime Rate

You will need to create Overtime Rate for the system to calculate Overtime payable to Employee.

Step 1 , 2 & 3: Go to Payroll -> Overtime Setting -> Overtime Rate Setting

Step 4: Click on the 'Create' button to create a new overtime rate.

Step 5: First, choose the Overtime Group from the drop down list. The list should show all of the Overtime Group that you have created earlier.

Step 6: Then, choose the Overtime Description from the drop down list.

Step 7: If you want to create a new Overtime Description here, just tick the circle. Once you tick the circle, the screen will change.

Step 8: Enter the Overtime Description and Sequence Number here. When you complete this Overtime Rate, a new Description you entered here will be created as well.

Step 9: If you want the new Overtime Rate to be a fixed amount, then tick the box 'Fixed Rate' AND enter the value in the column.

Note: if you enter a value in the column but DID NOT tick the box 'Fixed Rate', it will NOT be considered as a Fixed Overtime Rate.

Step 10: Although you had chosen the Overtime Group during the initial steps of creating new Overtime Rate, the system still allow the flexibility for you to choose a different Overtime Formula to calculate the Rate. If you wish to use a different Overtime Formula, then tick the box 'Different Formula' and choose from the drop down list.

Step 11: The Sequence Number here is for you to enter a number that you want this Overtime Rate to appear. The smaller number will come first before a larger number. For example, Sequence Number 3 will be displayed before other Overtime Rate with Sequence number 4, 5, and 6.

Step 12: If this Overtime needs to contribute to Statutory Funds, then tick all those appropriate here, such as EPF, SOCSO, etc by clicking Statutory.

Step 13: The Option of 'Additional Remuneration' is to categorize this OT under 'Additional Remuneration' for personal income reporting purpose. If you leave the box blank, then system will treat it as 'Normal Remuneration'.

Step 14: Click 'Save' and you have just created a new Overtime Rate.

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