Leave Year-End Task for Admin

Leave Year-End Task for Admin

Generate Next Year's Leave Entitlement Earlier

If your leave balance deduction method is "based on the year of application date", you will need to manually process the leave entitlement for the following year earlier to allow employees to submit leave application for next year by following the steps below.

Steps to Process Leave Entitlement for the following year:
  1. Go to Leave > Utility > Process Leave Entitlement > scroll down to the bottom of the page:
  2. Effective Date: Select 1 January of the following year  > Click on the Process Entitlement button

Without generating the leave entitlement for the following year, your employees will not be able to submit leave application for the following year until the system automatically processed the leave entitlement on the 1st of January, which may be too late resulting in emergency leaves. 

The leave deduction method setting indicates from which leave year's leave entitlement should the system deduct the balance from whenever employee submits a leave application. 

Employee annual leave application submission: 20 December 2020
Employee leave date: 2 January 2021

Deduction Method 1: If the leave deduction method is "based on the year of application", the system would deduct the leave balance from the year 2021 annual leave balance.

Deduction Method 2: If the leave deduction method is "based on current balance", the system would deduct the leave balance from the year 2020 annual leave balance. 

If Deduction Method 1 is your policy, please process the leave entitlement at least a month before the year ends. Meanwhile, if Deduction Method 2 is your policy, manually processing of the leave entitlement is not required as employees can still submit leave application for next year as long as they have sufficient balance in the current year. 

To check your leave deduction method setting in the system, please go to Leave > Setting > Leave Policy Setting > Other Leave Setting:

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