Leave Cancellation

Leave Cancellation

Step 1 ,2 & 3: Leave -> Leave Entry -> Cancellation

This feature allows you to cancel or change the submitted Leave Application. The system offers the flexibility of canceling the whole application or only certain day (or half day!).

 Employee Information
Display of Employee number. Select the employee here to do cancellation for certain employee you desired.

Leave Application No.
The applicant need to select the Leave Application that he wants to cancel or modify. Choose the relevant one from the drop down list.

 Leave Type Applied Information
To display the Leave Type had applied during Leave Entry.

 Day Session

 The applicant allows to pick the leave to be cancel either full day, morning or afternoon session.

Dates Selection of Leave to Be Cancel

The applicant allows to select the date(s) to be cancelled by highlighting that particular date or multiple dates together and then click the arrow button. Later, the date will appear on the other side of the box (Selected List). 
The applicant can fill in their Reason or Remark for the cancellation of leave. There is an option for the applicant to include any relevant parties to be notified regarding to the changes of the Leave Application.

Step 9: Click 'Approve' once it is confirm.

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