How to Use Web Clock

How to Use Web Clock

Minimum Requirement for using Web Clock

In order for Web Clock to function smoothly, below are the minimum specification required.

  • Any laptop or desktop
  • Internet connection
  • Google Chrome version 45 and above


Web Clock used to clock in, clock out and it able to cater for the flexi breaks as well. If using conventional clocking hardware, it couldn't auto detect the flexi break and call back overtime. Web Clock able to cater the call back overtime easily. 

Employees able to access the Web Clock with the terminal registered with M.A.R.K. and the terminal is required to install with camera for photo capturing purpose. It is advise the Web Clock was installed with SSL Certificate to allow the Web Clock to use camera. Otherwise employee required to click on Allow to enable the camera only allow to access the Web Clock. 

Basically, the Web Clock is used to clock in, clock out, clock for break start and break end, clock for overtime start and end. After you login to the Web Clock, you shall able to have the buttons of "CLOCK IN", "CLOCK OUT", "BREAK START", "BREAK END", "OVERTIME START" and "OVERTIME END". 

Below are the explanations for each buttons:

Clock In - When you clock in, it is required to click on Clock In button. 

Clock Out - When you clock out, it is required to click on Clock Out button. 

Break Start - If you go for lunch, click on Break Start button.

Break End - If you come back from lunch, click on Break End button.

Overtime Start - If you come back for call back overtime, click on Overtime Start. 

Overtime End - If you finished the overtime, click on Overtime End. 

** Please take note if the overtime was carried out after working hours, there is no need to click on Overtime Start and Overtime End. 

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