How to enter employee's additional tax info for tax calculation purpose?

How to enter employee's additional tax info for tax calculation purpose?

Additional tax info such as ex-employment salary details, employee monthly tax relief and Benefit-In-Kind are required to be captured for tax calculation. Administrator allows to fill up the tax information at Salary Entry screen as refer to print screen below:

Location: Payroll -> Employee List -> "Salary Entry/  "

You are able to access the page below and enter employee's tax relief, BIK, ex-employment Tax Relief and others tax information of ex-employment.

  1. Employee Income Tax No is compulsory and it required to update before proceeding with update employee tax info. If employee income tax no is not available, user able to update by key in the tax no and click on Update Income Tax No button.
  2. Select Year & Month for updating the income tax info. 
  3. Tick on Custom Current Tax Relief (current month tax relief), Custom Current Tax BIK (current month BIK) or Custom Ex-Employment Tax Info (ex-employment tax relief, ex-employment salary and tax exemption details) to entry for different tax information.
  4. Click on the tab for Current Tax Relief, Current Tax BIK, Ex-Employment Tax Relief or Ex-Employment Tax Exemption. Enter the amount at the text box in white colour. Click on Submit button.


  1. Administrator need to input amount of monthly BIK/VOLA and the method of calculation to obtain a monthly amount is as follow:

Monthly amount = Value of BIK/VOLA for a year / Working month in a year including current month

Example :
Value of car in a year : RM25,000
Month/year of deduction agreed by the employer : April 2012
Working month in a year including current month : 9 months
Monthly amount : RM25,000 / 9
= RM2,777.77 ≈ RM2,777.00


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