With iWoW e-Expense, you can set how the Expense claim be pro-rated. We will show you how to do so in this article. Step 1 , 2 & 3: Go to Home -> Expense Claim -> Setup -> Expense Setup, Step 4: Click 'Create' to create new Expense Prorate Policy. ...
This is the home of the e-Expense Help File. You can find all the details related to e-Expense here, from explanation of basic functionality to step-by-step guide. There are 4 main sections for e-Expense help file as listed below. Click on the ...
Here you will set some of the general settings for e-Expense. Step 1 ,2 & 3: Go to Home -> Expense -> General -> Expense General Setting. 1. Does your Company allow back date Expense claim? If yes, how many days/week/months? Enter the value in the ...
Location: Home -> Expense -> Advance Expenses Application -> Expense Application in Advanced Admin Page for Advance Expenses Entry. 1. Employee Search Use this column to search for employees. You can use the arrow buttons or drop-down list to ...