Creating Additional Terminal in Autopush

Creating Additional Terminal in Autopush

To add another terminal to your autopush, please follow the steps given below.
  1. Open Autopush programme (iWoW Attendance Sync) in your server/device.
  2. Click Setup as shown below (Figure 1). 
  3. Click Create to add a new Terminal to your autopush as shown below (Figure 2).
  4. Update the Terminal Number and Serial Number (do not duplicate existing terminal's Terminal Number and Serial Number). For your information, the serial number can be any number other than existing terminal's serial number. Please create a new folder to separate the attendance data from the two terminals, and update the file path in the File Path accordingly.
  5. Update HRMS URL and test availability. Save the information update.
  6. Next, login to HRMS as admin user. Go to the company for which this terminal is applicable > Attendance > General Setting > Time Clock Terminal setting > Create (Figure 4) > Update the fields accordingly. Ensure the Terminal no. and the Serial Number as per setting in autopush terminal updated in step 4 (Figure 5).
  7. In the Company List, select the relevant company > Format : Since the format of attendance file is the same, you may copy the format created in the existing terminal format (Figure 6).
  8. Save the changes made.

Figure 1. Open Autopush programme setup

Figure 2. Create new Terminal

Figure 3. Update new Terminal information.

Figure 4. Create New Time Clock Terminal. 

Figure 5. Time Clock Terminal Configuration : Terminal details.

Figure 6. Time Clock Terminal Configuration : Company and Attendance file format.

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