2. Company

2. Company

Location: Home -> System Setup -> Company Setup -> Company Detail

 Company Details

Enter your Company Details here. First provide a Code for your Company, then enter your Company Name and Company Registration Number here.

  Company Details

Enter your Company Details here. First, provide a Code for your Company, then enter your Company Name and Company Registration Number here.

 Upload Company Logo

You can upload your Company Logo here. Click the 'Browse' button and locate your logo file. Once done, click the 'Upload Photo' button.

 Other Default Settings

Provide the Default settings of your Company here, including default retiring age, default Country and Currency.

 Website and Address - Optional - (Contact & Address)

Enter Company's Address and Website here.

 Alternative Address - Optional - Alternative Address

If your company has more than one Address, click the arrow button, additional columns will appear for you to enter an additional Address.

 Fax and Phone Number - Optional - Contact

Company Fax and Phone number.
Fax and Phone Number - Optional - Others

Founded Date is the Date that your Company was founded. You can provide the Date here for record keeping purpose.

Financial Date is the start of Company's Financial Year Date. For example, if your Company Financial Year starts from 1st January and end on 31st December, then the Financial Date is 1st January.
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