Clocking with iWoW Clock Mobile App

Clocking with iWoW Clock Mobile App

Once you have logged in to the IWoW Clock app in your device, you will be directed to the Home page, as shown in image 1 below. 

Image 1 : iWoW Clock Home screen

STEP 1: Select the relevant clocking option (Clock In, Clock Out, Break Start, Break End, OT Callback Start, OT Callback End). 
STEP 2: Select the location based on the available option. On the pop-up box prompted, on YES to confirm current location. The gif below demonstrates how to perform clocking via iWoW Clock. 

Gif 1: Clocking with iWoW Clock.

If your current location is not within the location range, enable the toggle button Display all locations at the bottom of the Select Location screen which will show a list of nearby locations detected. Select the location and key-in your remark, which is compulsory for out of location range clock, as shown in Gif 2 below.

Gif 2. Out of Location Range Clocking

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