Purpose of the Start Time of the Day feature
This feature is used to cater the current system
behavior for shift’s beginning at midnight (Actual Clocking Time: 00:00).
Please note that currently the system will consider any clocking occurring before “00:00” to be from the
previous day as shown in the example provided below:
- Shift: NS - Night Shift 00:00 - 08:00

- Clocking time:

- Current Time Entry

- System will update the clocking details to the following day, 05/May
(Tue) although the details fall under the shift (NS) range for 04/May (Mon).
- This is due to the system analyzer had determined that the clocking
for 04/May (Mon) to begin at “00:00”.
- Hence, the clocking range for this date would
be from 03/May (Sun) to 04/(Mon).
- Earliest In: 03/May (Sun) at 22:00
- Latest Out: 04/May (Mon) at 13:00
utilizing the Start Time of the Day feature, the shift analyzer can be influenced to determine the time that the following day will begin, resulting
in the following result:
- Start Time of the Day

- Shift: NS - Night Shift 00:00 - 08:00

- Clocking time:

- Time Entry

- Employees clocking has been assigned to the shift (NS) range for 04/May (Mon) accordingly..
Applicability of the feature
This feature is only applicable to clients who:
- Using Attendance module
- Midnight shift start sharp right at 00:00
- For example, If employee clock in at 31st/Mar/2020 at 23:59 or 1st/Apr/2020 at 00:00 for night shift (e.g: 00:00 – 09:00) is considered having night shift on 31st/Mar/2020 instead of 1st/Apr/2020
Configuring the Start Time of the Day
Note: This will only be applicable if there is any shift’s that begin at midnight (Actual Clocking Time: 00:00). No action will be require should there be no such shift within your attendance configuration.
STEP 1 : Go to Attendance -> General Setting -> Shift Setting.
STEP 2 : Click on 'Change' for the Start Time of the Day.
STEP 3 : Proceed to enter the new time that Start Time of the Day.
Note: We would recommend to configure the time to 00:01.
STEP 4 : Confirm and tick on the checkbox.
STEP 5 : Click on 'Save' button.
Resetting the Start Time of the Day to default
STEP 1 : Go to Attendance -> General Setting -> Shift Setting.
STEP 2 : Click on 'Reset' for the Start Time of the Day.
STEP 3 : Proceed to click on 'Yes'..