What is the notification email for leave approval about?

What is the notification email for leave approval about?

From time to time, managers will receive notification emails from system regarding the leave application of their subordinates. In short, the email will show detail information about the application such as who and when is the employee plan to  be on leave, number of leave taken, leave balance etc. 

Managers can approve or reject the leave application directly from email, without login to the system. However, they may also do it by login to the system as well. 

Here's the detail explanation of the email.

This section includes the detailed information about the Leave Application, such as Employee Name, the date on leave, and others.

The above is the Leave Earned this year, available leave, and total leave taken for the year for the Applicant.

The manager can approve or reject the application directly from the email. Just click the 'Approve' or 'Reject' button to do so. 

Besides, the link below the 'Approve' and 'Reject' button is meant for those who view this email using their smart phones. Smart phones do not support buttons but one can still click/touch on the link to approve or reject the Leave Application.

Alternatively, manager can login to the system to view, approve or reject the application. 

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