8. Holiday Replacement Rule

8. Holiday Replacement Rule

Location: Home -> Leave -> Setup -> Holiday Replacement Rule

STEP 1. Given that a public holiday falls on a non-working day, you can set the rule to replace the public holiday on the next working day by creating a public holiday replacement rule here. by clicking on the CREATE button.

STEP 2. Add the description of the public holiday replacement rule.
STEP 3. Select the day Public Holiday.
STEP 4. Select the day type that the public holiday falls on.
STEP 5. Select the day that the public holiday will be replaced on.
STEP 6. Click save if the rule created applies to all GPS's in the company.

STEP 7. if the rule created above does not apply to all GPS's in the company, un-tick the check box "All Group Policy and Schedules".
STEP 8. Once un-ticked, a selection panel will appear consisting of all the GPS's in the company. Select the GPS's that follow the holiday replacement rule created.
STEP 9. Save.

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