6. Types of Remuneration for PCB Deductions

6. Types of Remuneration for PCB Deductions

The information below shall only be used for reference purposes. iWoWSoft has been trying its best to keep the information up to date and align with the LHDN website(www.hasil.gov.my). However, iWoWSoft is not liable for any misleading and inaccurate information provided. Users shall always confirm with LHDN to ensure they are in compliance with the statutory requirements. 

Normal remuneration formula
“Remuneration” means monthly remuneration paid to an employee whether the amount is fixed or variable as stated in the employment contract written or otherwise.

  • If the employee has no salary and only receives a commission, the commission paid is considered as remuneration.
  • If the monthly salary is paid on a daily or hourly basis, the total monthly salary paid is considered as remuneration.
  • If the monthly salary changes due to the change in currency values, the total monthly salary paid is also considered as remuneration.

Overtime allowance, allowances (variable amount paid monthly) and commission (variable amount paid monthly) are categorized as normal remuneration. However, vendor/employer is given time to implement this changes until July 2013.

Additional remuneration formula
“Additional remuneration” means any payment paid to an employee either in one lump sum or periodical or in arrears or non fixed payment or any additional payment to a current month’s normal remuneration. Such additional remuneration includes:

  1. bonus/incentive
  2. arrears of salary or any other arrears paid to an employee
  3. employee’s share option scheme (if employee opts for MTD deduction)
  4. tax borne by employer
  5. gratuity
  6. compensation for loss of employment
  7. ex-gratia
  8. director’s fee (not paid monthly)
  9. commissions (not paid monthly)
  10. allowances (not paid monthly)
  11. any other payment in addition to normal remuneration for current month

Source: Specification For Monthly Tax Deduction (MTD) Calculations Using Computerized Calculation Method For MTD 2013

The information below shall only be used for reference purposes. iWoWSoft has been trying its best to keep the information up to date and align with the LHDN website(www.hasil.gov.my). However, iWoWSoft is not liable for any misleading and inaccurate information provided. Users shall always confirm with LHDN to ensure they are in compliance with the statutory requirements. 

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