3.7. How to add a new Title Group

3.7. How to add a new Title Group

By creating and assigning Employees to a certain Title Group, it will save your a lot of hassle in future when is a change of personnel. Similar to Job Group, Title Group categorize a group of people, but more advanced than Job Group, Title Group track the role of everyone in the group. In other words, Title Group clearly identify the authority that an Employee holds in the organization, such as approving and rejecting Leave for specific group of people. 

To add a new Title Group, you will need to click 'Edit' on an employee record, then click on the HRIS tab, select Career Progression. Scroll down until you see the column 'Immediate Superior'. Click on the 'Browse' button. 

You will see the screen below, click on 'Select by Title Group' on the top right. then click 'Create'

The screen will change and become as below: 

Enter the Code and Description for this new Title Group. For instance, we use Senior Operation Manager here, therefore the code will be "SOM" and the description will be "Senior Operation Manager".

Click the 'Add to List' after you selected Employee that you want to Add in this this Group, Joseph Germani was chosen to be in this group. If you want to add more names, use the list to search again and click 'Add to List'. In this example, we added Henry Bale but we chosen Joseph Germani as the Key Person. 

Click Save and you have just created a new Title Group here. 

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