3.6.2. Creating Career Progression Email Policy

3.6.2. Creating Career Progression Email Policy

We will guide you through how to create Career Progression Email Policy here. Basically this section helps you to define which Email Message to send and when to send. 

1. First, go to Home -> HRIS -> Career Progression Email -> Career Progression Email Policy, you will see the screen above, the table shows the current Career Progression Email Policy that you have created earlier. If you have not done this yet, you will not see anything listed in the table. 

2. To create a new Career Progression Email Policy, click the 'Create' button and you will see the screen below. 

3. Enter 'Code' and 'Description' of your Career Email Policy. 

4. Enter emails that you want the Email Message to be sent to. You can also click the button next to this to choose any emails stored in the system. 

5. The first two columns are for you to choose the stage of the Career Progression. The first column is referring to the current Career Progression stage, and the second column refers to the expected next Career Progression. For example, if you want the system to alert you whenever a newly join employee going to get his or her confirmation, you may choose the first Career Progression as 'New Join' and the Next Career Progression as 'Confirmation'. 

6. The third column is to enter the expected time of the next Career Progression stage. For example, if the probation period is 3 months, then the expected date of the next Career Progression stage here should be 3 months. 

7. There are two parts in the fourth column, first is to enter a number to indicate number of days before the next action date (or next Career Progression movement date). The drop down list in the fourth column is to choose the Email Message. Do note that the drop down list shows only the Code of the Email Message (click here to learn How to Create a Email Alert Message).

8. The fifth column refers to monthly summary report. If tick the box, system will send a Monthly Report to those email enter in Step 4 above. 

9. You can decide when will the system send out the report by choosing which day of the month. Then you can choose if you want to receive summary of the Current Month, or the Next Month. For example, if you choose to receive report on the 15th of Next Month, then on 15th of November, you will receive a summary report of December. 

10. Then last drop down list is for you to choose which Email Message to be sent. 

11. If you want to create more setting, click the '+' sign button or if you want to delete one of the set up, then click the '-' sign. 

12. Click 'Save' button.

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