3.4. How to custom First Service Date?

3.4. How to custom First Service Date?

Custom First Service Date


Location: Home -> Leave -> Employee List

 Create Employee Record
Click this button to create new employee record.
 Overview Button
Click this button to have an overview of an employee record.
 Edit Button
Click this button to edit an existing employee record.

Search Criteria Box

This text box is to allow you to search for employee record(s) based on a search criteria.

Delete Button  
Click this button to delete an existing employee record.

After you have clicked on the ‘Edit’ button for the employee, you will be brought to this page below:

Click on latest career progression record. You will see the First Service Date link and click on it will show employee's First Service Date.

Tick for 'User Defined' check box and select the date your would like to change and click 'Save' to save the changes.

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