2. Expense Claim Verification Wizard

2. Expense Claim Verification Wizard

This help file will guide you on how to setup and use Expense Claim Verification Wizard in the Expense Claim module. Basically the functionality of Expense Claim Verification Wizard is similar to Leave/Payroll/Attendance Verification Wizard. You may follow the steps below to configure it:

  1. Assign the Cut Off Period for Expense Claim if it has not assigned

Step 1 , 2 & 3: Payroll -> Integration Setting -> Expense Claim Period Cut Off Setting

 2. After the Expense Claim Cut Off Period has been set up, you may proceed to use the Expense Claim Verification Wizard.

Step 1. 2 & 3: Expense Claim -> Expense Claim Verification Wizard

 Step 4: You will need to select the period that you would like to process at the Step 1 page. Also, you may view process history from the History section.

Step 5: This page will show you all the pending expense claim application of current cut off period and previous cut off period. You will need to approve all the pending application first before you move forward to the next step.You can tick Ignore if you choose to ignore the pending expense claim(s).

Step 6: This step will be logged as a front end audit trail in order to trace back the settings that has been used to process the current verification.

Step 7: At this page, you will be able to see the full list of expense claim application by employees that has been approved. Once you have verified the amount, you may click on 'Verify' and the system will pump the values to the Payroll module.

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