After setting up the Organization, you need to set up your Company.
You can create multiple companies depending on your company structure. Here are the steps for you to create a new Company.
Tips Even if your company doesn't have any subsidiary at the moment, you still need to create an Organization and Company |
1. Click 'Create' to create a new Company here, or you can also search any existing companies here.
2. Enter the Company Code, Company Name and other details here.
3. Under the 'Organization' column, choose which Organization that this Company belongs to. This will determine which Organization that the information and database of this company will tie to in the future.
Tips You can still move the Company to a different Organization if you want to. Just use the 'Move' feature under this page: Location: Home -> System Setup -> Organization Setup -> Company |
4. If your company have more than one address, just tick the box of 'Alternative Address' and additional column for the new address will appear.
5. 'Copy Company Setting' is a handy feature if you need to create multiple companies with same and similar setup. Just choose the Organization or Company that you want to copy from and all their existing setup will be copied to your new company created here.
6. Besides, you can also choose which module you want to copy. Tick the box for Modules that you want to copy from here.
7. Click 'Save' and you have just created a new Company. If the new company doesn't show up, try refreshing your browser.