How to change the approver if the employee resigned?

How to change the approver if the employee resigned?

If an Immediate/Alternate Superior resigns, you do not have to update all his/her subordinates' career progression records with the new Immediate/Alternate Superior. Instead, this can be done in a single step by updating the Superior Title Group. Since all the subordinates are tied to the same Superior Title Group, replacing the key person in the title group will reflect in all the subordinates' career progression.

Here are the steps to replace Immediate/Alternate Superior in the Superior Title Group.
  1. Go to Leave > Employee List > Edit (pencil icon) > Career Progression page.
  2. Scroll down to the Calendar & GPS Settings column > At the Immediate/Alternative Superior field, click the Browse button for Immediate/Alternative Superior.
  3. Search for the current Superior Title Group and click on the pencil icon to edit. 
  4. Mark the checkbox for the employee assigned in the Superior Title Group box and click on the Remove From List button.
  5. Select the replacing superior in the Employee search bar and click on the Add to List button.
  6. Save the changes made in the Superior Title Group box and save the Career Progression record.

To have a clearer picture of the steps, you may refer to the demonstration below.

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