Why is there no carry forward leave for newly confirmed staff?

Why is there no carry forward leave for newly confirmed staff?


Staff A joined the company in 2009 November. After 3 months of a probation period, he was confirmed and accepted as a new staff on 1st Feb 2010. Although the staff's information and Career Progression was updated, the leave balance from 2009 was not carried forward to 2010. Why? 


Chech the annual leave balance of employe A in 2010 entitlement. The annual leave accumulated in 2009 during the probation period is carried forward to the following year as annual leave b/f. 

The reason for this is that the employee was not allowed to utilize the leave earned during the probationary period as per the company policy. Hence, throughout the probationary period, the employee's earned annual leave would be hidden to prevent the employee from utilizing it.

Once the career progression for confirmation is updated, the system would update the leave summary to show the leave earned. However, if the confirmation only happens in the following year (cross-year confirmation), the leave earned in the previous year during the probationary period will be brought forward as annual leave b/f. 

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