1.7 Setup - Shift Setting

1.7 Setup - Shift Setting

Location: Home -> Attendance -> Setting -> General Setting -> Shift Setting

This help file provides guideline on how to create a new shift setting whenever there is a new shift that is required to be keyed into the system.

In the Shift Setting Page, click on the 'Create' button to create a new shift.

In the Shift Setting page, kindly follow the steps below to create the new shift setting.

Step 1 -> Key in the Code and Description for the new shift

Step 2 -> Key in the In Zone and Out Zone for the new shift

Actual In: The actual in time for the shift

Earliest In: The earliest in time that employee may clock in for this shift. Any clock in time earlier than the defined earliest time, system will show no clock in time if the employee is working on this shift and clocks in earlier than earliest in time.

Latest In: The latest in time that the employee may clock in for this shift. Any clock in time later than Latest In time will still be captured by system as the In Time.

Actual Out: The actual out time for the shift

Latest Out: The latest out time that the employee may clock out for this shift. Any clock out time later than the latest out time, system will show no clock out time if the employee is working on this shift and clocks out later than the latest out time.

Step 3 -> Select the Overtime Policy that applies to this shift

Step 4 -> If this shift is cross day shift, kindly select the Cross Day Policy that applies to this shift

Step 5 -> Key in the First Half and Second Half for this shift (This is mainly used for Leave application purpose)

Step 6 -> Key in the working hour for this shift

Step 7 -> Key in the Grace Minutes for the Late In and Early Out

Step 8 -> Select the rounding policy for Late In and Early Out (If no rounding policy, you may leave it empty)

Step 9: This option is only applicable whenever you do not want the shift to appear for selection in Custom Day Entry Screen, Custom Time Entry Screen and GPS Duty Roster setup.

Step 10 -> Click 'Save' to save the new shift setting

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