1.4 Import Feature

1.4 Import Feature

The 'Import' feature allows you to import data to the System. This is especially useful during the Data Migration Stage (during initial system setup, you will need to transfer your Employee information to the System, this is called Data Migration). 

It help the User to expedite the migration process and moving data in bulk instead of manually enter the data into the System. 

Whenever you see the button 'Import', means that page/module allows you to use the Import feature. 


How the Import process works is that after you click on the 'Import' button, system will prompt you to download a file. You will need to transfer all your data to that file and upload it to the System again. Then the Employee information will appear in the System. However, do take note of the common mistakes below: 

  • Information entered incomplete 
  • Data provided in wrong format, such as format for Date, instead of DD/MM/YYYY, you provided MM/DD/YYYY, or vice versa. 
  • Check if the Data is uploaded successfully

Here we will show you an example of how to use the Import feature.

If you are starting to use the System and trying to transfer Employee data to the System, you will need to download a copy of the template used to Import your Employee data. Just click on the Export button, which is usually found together with the 'Import' button and save the file in your computer. Then provide all the data requested in the the format that the Template file arranged. Double check if the data is complete, if yes, then you are ready to Import Employee Data to the System.

To Import Employee Data, click the 'Import' button, then table below will appear: 


At the 'File Path:' column, click the 'Choose File' button, where a pop out window will prompt you to choose the location of the file to upload. 

Under 'Duplicate Key Alert Option:' is for you to decide what you want the System to do if there is an duplication of Data. Three options as below:

Show Error: System will prompt you that there is an error and will NOT update the WHOLE file 

Ignore Record: System will ignore the record in your uploaded file and keep the original Data in the system 

Overwrite Record: System will take the record in your file and overwrite the record in the system, hence the new Data provided will be kept in the System and old Data being deleted 

Choose whichever option that suits you. Our recommendation is to take 'Show Error' as it is safer that way. 

Once you decided, click the 'Data Import' button. 

Unless there is an error message appeared, else you will be able to transfer your Employee Data to the System. 

If you want to learn more about Data Migration Process and Step by Step guide, click here. We have a dedicated section for this topic. 

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