1.4 Features of Expense - Advanced Expenses Application
Location: Home -> Expense -> Advance Expenses Application -> Expense Application in Advanced
Admin Page for Advance Expenses Entry.

1. Employee Search
Use this column to search for employees. You can use the arrow buttons or drop-down list to select the Employee.

Notes: You can type in the employee number or name in the search column as well.
2. Entry Description
This is the title of the Advance Expense application form, which will also be displayed in the History Panel. The default current month. However, the entry description can be updated as per user's preference.
Select the Expense from the drop-down list. Note that the Expense must be set at 'Advance Expense' for it to appear in the selection list here.
3. Advance Claim Details Update
This section consists of the details of the advance claim :
a) Description: Select the type of advance claim from the drop-down consisting of predefined advance claim items.
b) Total Expense: Define the total amount of advance expense claim required.
c) Remark: Update the remark for any additional information, if required.
d) CC To: Select CC recipients for the advance claim application by clicking the BROWSE button, if required.
4. Advance Claim Attachment
If a document is required to be attached to the advance expense application, select CHOOSE FILE to browse for the relevant document, followed by UPLOAD.
5. Submit
Lastly, select SUBMIT to send the application for approval.
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