1.4.2 Release Payslip

1.4.2 Release Payslip

Step 1, 2 & 3: Payroll -> General -> Lock Payroll, Release Payslip/EA Form

You can also choose to lock or release the payslip to the employees in the organization.

You can lock or release by selecting the period that you would like to lock or release, then click on the lock/unlock logo.

 Payment Period
Select the payment period group as well as the year to lock or release payment period or payslip.

 Email Payslip Setting

You can configure to send the payslip to each employee email address.

After clicking Email Payslip Setup you will see as the screen below.

Email Payslip Format
Select the payslip template that suits your preferences here.

Cut Off

To Show cut Off date range in the Payslip

Password Set by

 You can have the choice by letting the employee to set the password

Password Protection
This section enables password protection for the payslip which is generated. The password can be set by administrator or employee.
There are 3 different modes to set the password:

  • IC
  • D.O.B (Date Of Birth)
  • IC + D.O.B (Date Of Birth)

Enable Email Payslip
This section allows you to select whether to enable or disable email payslip function.

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